World’s best electronic dance music festival, Tomorrowland is just three days away and now there’s news of a lunar eclipse.
Yes, you read that right. Experts are reporting that during the second weekend of Tomorrowland festival in Boom, Belgium, festival-goers will be blessed with a full lunar eclipse. To break it down even more, the ‘Blood Moon’ will be at its maximum July 27, at 22:21 during Tiesto‘s set at the incredible main stage.
Lucky for Europeans, the eclipse is almost perfectly aligned for people in that part of the world to see. North America on the other hand, will be unable to see it. Will probably be viewable from Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. Another 82 years will pass before we see another Blood Moon, what a special experience to top off an already amazing festival.

This year’s theme “The Story Of Planaxis”, will bring together 400.000 People of Tomorrow and over 1000 superstar artists from all genres of electronic dance music to Tomorrowland on 20.21.22 & 27.28.29 JULY 2018.