If there`s one language that breaks boundaries as much as football – it is definitelly music. Actually, we would say that it unites people even more than football does, simply because we have heard the sentence ” i hate football “ quite often, but we never heard someone say ” i hate music “. Some of our favorite DJs also happen to be big football fans, and most of them, of clubs we support.
So today we will share a list of DJs and their favorite football clubs
9Otto Knows

The Swedish hitmaker is gooner . He`s tweeting al the time about his favorite football team Arsenal . In a interview for the Le-Grove, when he was asked what was the first thing that attracted him to Arsenal, he said ” Well I grew up under their heyday, sort of, so they were the team to watch. I also love the way they play football, the mentality of the team and the club culture” .
When they asked him, which Djs would he have in his 5 aside football team, he answered
” As defense I’d have Sebastian Ingrosso so there’s someone I trust. Alesso I’d have on the midfield because we’re connected and work well together. Someone who always delivers is Axwell so he’d definitely be part of the team. As a young and promising star I’d recruit Martin Garrix. Finally, Avicii cause you need a superstar and it would probably help with merch sales… “.
Welcome to Arsenal bro!!
— Otto Knows (@OttoKnows) September 2, 2013